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Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads 11/14/20

Trump's last-ditch US election lawsuits not going well for president, experts say

“It could be reflex. On most people, if you hit their patellar tendon with a small rubber mallet, you get a knee jerk. With Trump, it’s possible that if you hit his patellar tendon with a small rubber mallet, you get a lawsuit,” said Justin Levitt, a law professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.

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Weekend Reads 11/7/20

Realignment or Speed Bump: The Battle for the Suburbs in 2020 and Beyond

These voters "don't have outright hatred for Trump," said Hickey, but they are desperate for a return to normalcy. The words heard the most from these voters were things like "leadership," "calm," and "recovery."

As Blizzard described it, "the economy was not enough to get them beyond the style and the personality" of Trump that they disliked.

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Weekend Reads 10/24/20

Biden’s court ‘punt’ gets lukewarm response

The former vice president’s proposal to create a 180-day commission falls far short of the left’s dreams of adding seats to the Supreme Court. And Republicans continued alleging that Biden will pack the court and is just being disingenuous about his real intentions.

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Weekend Reads 10/17/20

Feeling the Heat

Polls, which have long shown strong support for climate action on the left, are starting to indicate that climate change is becoming an increasingly important issue for voters across the board. And young Republicans, the demographic McCarthy is most worried about losing, are starting to sound a lot like young Democrats on the issue.

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Weekend Reads 10/10/20

How COVID Kills the Economy

If you used to work in an office with large numbers of other people and you can accomplish that work at home, many people now do that in order to cut down on potential exposure. This is a perfectly reasonable precaution that has nothing to do with a “lockdown.”

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Weekend Reads 9/26/20

The Election That Could Break America

If we are lucky, this fraught and dysfunctional election cycle will reach a conventional stopping point in time to meet crucial deadlines in December and January. The contest will be decided with sufficient authority that the losing candidate will be forced to yield. Collectively we will have made our choice—a messy one, no doubt, but clear enough to arm the president-elect with a mandate to govern.

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Weekend Reads 9/19/20

The Anti-Flight 93 Election

But the real problem with Trump is neither about style nor about policy. It is the disastrous ideological impact he is having on conservatism and the Republican Party. There is a reason a whole swathe of the right no longer cares about many of the issues they considered central to their worldview in 2015. Trump’s rise to power unleashed and emboldened a “nationalist,” collectivist, Big Government wing of the right.

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Weekend Reads 9/12/20

Behind Woodward’s September surprise: White House aides saw a train wreck coming, then jumped aboard

The interviews revealed that Trump was not candid with the public about the dangers of Covid-19, with the president telling Woodward he was “playing it down” even though it was possibly five times “more deadly” than the flu. “I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic,” Trump said in one audio clip released Wednesday.

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