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Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads 6/8/19

128 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 6/1/19

162 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 4/27/19

The End Of Empathy

Breithaupt is alarmed at the apparent new virus of selective empathy and how it's deepening divisions. If we embrace it, he says, then "basically you give up on civil society at that point. You give up on democracy. Because if you feed into this division more and you let it happen, it will become so strong that it becomes dangerous."

149 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 4/13/19

Confirmed: New phase of matter is solid and liquid at the same time

Potassium, too, has been subjected to much experimental scrutiny. When compressed to similar extremes, its atoms arrange themselves into an elaborate formation—five cylindrical tubes organized into an X shape, with four long chains sitting in the crooks of this assembly, almost like two separate and non-intertwining materials.

144 users have voted.


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