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Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads 10/26/19

GOP worries it's losing impeachment fight

“Does he need to be so unhinged? He says the dumbest things,” said one Republican senator who vented frustration with the president’s outbursts on Twitter and in front of the White House press corps.

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Weekend Reads 10/19/19

Humans Will Never Live on Another Planet, Nobel Laureate Says. Here's Why.

Well, you might say, plenty of things seemed out of reach until we reached them, such as sending aircraft on intercontinental flights. But "in this case, the required physics to reach the stars, if it exists, is not known to us and it would require a fundamental change in our understanding of the relationship between mass, acceleration and energy."

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Weekend Reads 9/28/19

An unshackled Trump finally gets the presidency he always wanted

“It’s very easy, actually, to work with me. You know why it’s easy? Because I make all the decisions. They don’t have to work,” Trump told reporters last Friday as he explained why being his national security adviser, in his mind, is now a low-key post.

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Weekend Reads 9/21/19

Study shows some political beliefs are just historical accidents

In two of the ten experimental worlds, people simply saw these statements and were asked, “As a [Democrat/Republican], do you agree or disagree with this statement?”

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Weekend Reads 9/14/19

Union chief says National Weather workers 'irate' after NOAA backs Trump's Alabama hurricane forecast

Dan Sobien, who heads the National Weather Service Employees Organization representing thousands of employees working under NOAA, told The Daily Beast in an interview on Friday that "never ever before has their management thrown them under the bus like this."

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