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Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads 10/13/18

'Tribalism' is tearing the country apart ... or the word is just misused

A member of a tribe is not just ideological. It’s a people who share a history -- say 10,000 years -- a geography, and a culture. Tribalism is not a word that should be reduced to fealty to the crown. Or the opposition.

249 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 9/22/18

The business of voluntourism: do western do-gooders actually do harm?

In Cambodia, 40 years after the Khmer Rouge genocide, the number of orphanages has been growing, according to the UN. The reason is demand – but not from abandoned children. Instead, it comes from a huge rise in Australian tourists willing to pay to work in them.

264 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 9/15/18

193 users have voted.


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