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White Supremacy and Western Christianity

It's one thing to make a formal declaration opposing white supremacy. But, Morgan Guyton points out, the words are meaningless if we are unable to recognize just how deeply white supremacy is embedded in Western culture, and particularly in Western Christianity.

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Evangelicals' Dream President

Donald Trump is not a popular president. His approval ratings are the lowest for a first-year president in all the time approval ratings have been tracked.

320 users have voted.

Is "Hate Speech" Protected by the Constitution?

Last month, former Vermont Governor and former presidential candidate Howard Dean tweeted an astonishing assertion.


237 users have voted.

Trump to Resign?

Have you heard the news? Donald Trump is considering resigning. It's all over the internet, so there must be some truth to it. Right?

Trump Considering Resigning Due To Flynn Testimony

Donald Trump Considers Resigning as President of the United States

308 users have voted.

The Size of the Crowd

With Donald Trump officially taking the oath of office to become the United States' 45th president, we are living in the age of alternative facts.

259 users have voted.

U.S. Politics and the "Religion Problem"

Former Obama White House staffer Michael Wear has caused a stir while promoting his recent book Reclaiming Hope. In an interview with Emma Green for the Atlantic, Wear commented on the fact that 81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Donald Trump. Wear lamented that the Democrats, in his view, did not make much of an effort to reach out to people of faith.

267 users have voted.

The Consequences of Fake News

If you're on Facebook, you've probably seen some of the breathless, clickbaity political headlines. Republicans Ban First Amendment in Congress or California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution.

249 users have voted.

Mainstreaming Racism

To say Donald Trump made a controversial pick when he named Steve Bannon his chief strategist is an understatement. Bannon runs the website, which is in Bannon's own words "a platform for the alt-right."

350 users have voted.

Election Pre-mortems

In the days leading up to the election, pundits of all political stripes reached a rare consensus: Donald Trump would lose. They just couldn't agree about why he would lose.

Jonathan Chait, writing for the Daily Intelligencer, found a clip of Donald Trump in 2012 recommending the Republicans get on board with immigration reform. Chait relished the irony.

430 users have voted.

The Election-Rigging Conspiracy

Facing nearly certain defeat at the polls, and unwilling to acknowledge his own weaknesses as a candidate, Donald Trump has raised the spectre of a rigged election. Trump's mental surrogate Scott Adams is confident this will happen.

256 users have voted.


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