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The Bloomberg Effect

Former New York Citty mayor Mike Bloomberg will not be the Democratic nominee for president this year. In his best poll, Bloomberg is in fourth place with the support of just nine percent of Democratic primary voters. But that doesn't mean he won't be able to influence the race.

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Rooting for the Pilot to Fail

One of my friends posted this on Facebook, and I can't help but think the letter writer has missed the whole point.

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Impeachment Meta-Thoughts

The website Five Thirty Eight has been gathering presidential approval ratings since the day the site was launched more than a decade ago. Since March of this year they've also been tracking Americans' support for impeachment proceedings against the current occupant of that office. Until news broke of the Ukraine scandal, a majority of the public opposed impeachment, but as the details of the scandal emerged, support for hearings has inched up.

163 users have voted.

Should Drunk Driving be Legal?

It doesn't seem like it should be an open question. Who would possibly advocate for legalizing drunk driving? But in an article titled Legalize Drunk Driving, Lew Rockwell, founder and Chairman of the Board of the Mises Institute, tries to make the case.

209 users have voted.

Confusion about Capitalism

Bernie Sanders wants us to know the difference between himself and fellow Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.

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Misreading the Moderate Middle

"The Moderate Middle is a Myth" proclaims the headline at FiveThirtyEight. The analysis by Lee Drutman doesn't actually deny the existence of moderates. Rather, Drutman merely questions the notion expressed by several pundits that Democrats can win in 2020 by "moving to the center". Drutman's research indicates that the approximately 40% of voters who identify as moderate or independent are not a cohesive voting bloc, and no candidate can win them over by adopting a centrist policy position.

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Beto's Buyback

Beto O'Rourke made headlines in the latest Democratic debate. When asked, based on a previous statement he had made endorsing gun buybacks, whether he was actually proposing taking away citizens' guns, he answered:

Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.

187 users have voted.

Look Who Is Promoting Immigration

On the surface, this website is no different from a lot of other pro-immigration sites. It touts America as "a nation built by immigrants". It includes stories of "immigrants who are making America a more productive country." It offers a free download of a pamphlet titled America’s Advantage: A Handbook on Immigration and Economic Growth (PDF).

191 users have voted.

Trump's Pattern of Racism

Even though Donald Trump maintains that his tweets last week were not racist: It's part of a pattern.

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Survey Says

According to a recent survey by CivicScience, a majority of Americans are opposed to teaching Arabic numerals in school. 56% of respondents answered no, while ony 29% answered yes. 15% had no opinion.

Additionally, a majority of Americans are opposed to teaching the creation theory of Catholic Priest Georges Lemaître. This time 53% said no, only 20% said yes, and 27% offered no opinion.

200 users have voted.


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