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Are Wages Too High?

Bernie Sanders appeared on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, sharply criticizing Donald Trump while attempting to appeal to Trump's supporters.

Look, many of Trump's supporters are working-class people. And they are angry. And they're angry because they are working longer hours for lower wages. They're angry because their jobs have left this country and gone to China or other low-wage countries.…

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Bombing Agrabah

According to research from Public Policy Polling, 30% of Republicans and nearly 20% of Democrats support the bombing of Agrabah. The left-leaning polling organization makes a big deal of the level of Republican support, but the level of Democratic support is disturbingly high as well.

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I'm a Terrorist, You're a Terrorist

The New York Daily News is no stranger to provocative headlines.

462 users have voted.

In Denial about Denial

Last month Senator Ted Cruz discussed climate change with Glen Beck:

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"What Has Happened to Our Party?"

John Kasich is not happy about some of the things his fellow Republicans have been saying.

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True Conservatives

When Speaker of the House John Boehner announced his resignation last last week, the narrative quickly emerged that he was pushed out by conservative members of his own party, those identifying with the Tea Party caucus. And rumor has it that the same group seeks Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell resignation as well.

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Look at That Face

Donald Trump has never been a tactful person, but one quote from a recent Rolling Stone profile is outlandish even by Trump standards. Trump was watching the news during a meal with his staff, and saw a reporter ask a question of fellow Republican candidate Carly Fiorina. Trump, who had been offering snarky critiques of each candidate as they appeared on the screen, said:

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Is Candidate Trump for Real?

Donald Trump is running for President. His catchphrase is "Make America great again." When fellow candidate Ted Cruz used that phrase in a speech back in March, Trump responded by making vague threats about copyright infringement. But the reality is, you can't copyright a phrase, even if you're Donald Trump.

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Don't Feed the "Animals"

Oklahoma Republican Party chair Randy Brogdon has come under fire for a post he made last week to his organization's Facebook page.

Criticism of Brogdon was swift and strident.

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Christianity in Crisis

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association is a professional worrier. He gets paid to imagine the worst-case scenario for the nation's future (from his perspective) and then fret in public over the imminence of that worst-case scenario.

So he must have been privately overjoyed at the Supreme Court's recent decision legalizing same-sex marriage. The decision opens many new avenues of worst-case futures for right-wing Christians; Fischer's toughest decision must have been determining which one to pick. Can you guess what he chose?

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