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Franklin Graham's Day of Prayer

Evangelist Franklin Graham has called for a national day of prayer for the president next Sunday. In a Facebook post, Graham insisted, "President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency.

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The National Popular Vote

The National Popular Vote movement aims to bypass the electoral college by encouraging states to pass legislation requiring their electoral votes to go to the winner of the national popular vote rather than the state's own popular vote. This provision would not kick in until states totaling a majority of the 538 electoral votes had signed on. The movement has gotten bills passed in 13 states with 181 electoral votes so far.

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A Climate Emergency?

The government shutdown is temporarily in remission. Federal workers can start receiving their paychecks as Congress and the White House attempt to work out a longer-term solution. The president continues to threaten to declare a national emergency if Congress won't fund his wall.

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Term Limits: A Bad Idea

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has proposed a Constitutional Amendment that would impose term limits on members of Congress. If passed and ratified, the amendment would limit Senators to two terms of six years, and House members to three terms of two years. Cruz believes the amendment will provide a greater level of accountability in Washington.

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Hedgehog Metacognition

Ars Technica summarizes a new study from University College London that seeks to understand why some people don't learn from their own mistakes.

One common feature of radicalism is a confidence in the rightness of your ideas, even if they go against those of society at large.

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Just and Unjust Laws

After being roundly criticized for Sunday's tear gassing by U.S. border agents of asylum seekers—including children—Donald Trump defended the action claiming the agents used a "very safe" and "very minor form" of tear gas. Trump also claimed the migrants were "some very tough people." Trump had previously authorized border guards to use lethal force, claiming the caravan included more than 500 "serious criminals."

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Evangelicals Against Trump

On the eve of midterm elections, some evangelical Christians are distressed at the ongoing reminders by mainstream media that, taken as a group, evangelicals are among Donald Trump's biggest supporters.

Journalist Terry Mattingly, in his Get Religion blog, attempts to give context to the oft-quoted statistic that 81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Mattingly identifies six categories of evangelical voters:

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Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test

Earlier this month Elizabeth Warren claimed victory after a DNA test revealed she likely had a Native American ancestor between six and ten generations back. This is the latest salvo in a long-running batle between Warren and Donald Trump.

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Boycott Season

Fall is rapidly approaching. As the summer heat begins, finally, to dissipate, the air is filled with a new scent. It's the smell of burning polyurethane, as thousands—possibly even dozens—of conservatives set their shoes on fire in protest of Nike's decision to feature social justice advocate and former quarterback Colin Kaepernick in a new ad. The protesters vowed never to buy Nike merchandise again.

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Uncle Sam's Club

Chad Prather is a motivational speaker and a self-professed "armchair philosopher" who gained internet fame after his Unapologetically Southern YouTube video went viral. Since then, Prather has published a host of other videos, including this one where he weighs in on the immigration debate.

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