Weekend Reads 8/17/19

Two Ebola drugs boost survival rates, according to early trial data

Moreover, when researchers looked at how patients fared when they sought treatment early in the disease progression, the drugs looked even better. Only 6% of those treated early with REGN-EB3 died, and 11% of those treated early with mAb114 succumbed to the disease. Mortality rates for early treatments with ZMapp and remdesivir were 24% and 33%, respectively.

164 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 8/3/19

For Sale: Your Very Own (Extinct) Volcano

This volcano is extremely affordable by most geological standards, for a couple of reasons. One, it’s been extinct for more than 250 million years, meaning it’s less a volcano than a fossil of one. Two, it’s got a rather stodgy British name. The land is called Posbury Clump, a self-effacing moniker for a plot of land that once streamed red-hot lava on a daily basis.

136 users have voted.

Look Who Is Promoting Immigration

On the surface, this website is no different from a lot of other pro-immigration sites. It touts America as "a nation built by immigrants". It includes stories of "immigrants who are making America a more productive country." It offers a free download of a pamphlet titled America’s Advantage: A Handbook on Immigration and Economic Growth (PDF).

191 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 7/27/19

Send back the Statue of Liberty

She has never contributed anything to our economy. In all these years, she has never held a job. She never paid taxes. In fact, she is homeless and has never had a roof over her head. U.S. citizens have spent hundreds of millions of dollars for her upkeep.

She is unmarried and doesn’t go to church. With a name like “Liberty,” she is obviously a woman of loose morals.

133 users have voted.

Trump's Pattern of Racism

Even though Donald Trump maintains that his tweets last week were not racist: It's part of a pattern.

153 users have voted.

Red Horn

A retelling of a Ho-Chunk myth

Long, long ago, in a time before time, there was a lodge where ten brothers lived together. The oldest was a brave warrior named Kunu. Kunu was a good hunter and a good provider for his younger brothers, and they all respected him...except the youngest. The youngest brother was something of a mischief maker.

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Ken Ham's Assensus in Genesis

A few weeks ago I wrote about theologian Marcus Borg's classification of four types of faith. One of these types, assensus, is a faith of the intellect only. It involves believing something to be true in the absence of evidence. The next two—fidelitas and fiducia—involve actions of the will. These can be summed up by the English words "faithfulness" and "trust", respectively. The last one, visio, is best understood as a new way of seeing.

176 users have voted.


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