How Do We Know the Shape of the Earth?

In the early 2000s, Thomas Friedman examined the effects of globalization and published his ideas in a book titled The World Is Flat. He meant it metaphorically, arguing in part that the information revolution enabled skilled workers in Malaysia or India to compete for jobs formerly held by first-world workers, and technologies such as cell phones and internet connectivity enabled them to work these jobs without leaving their home countries.

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The National Popular Vote

The National Popular Vote movement aims to bypass the electoral college by encouraging states to pass legislation requiring their electoral votes to go to the winner of the national popular vote rather than the state's own popular vote. This provision would not kick in until states totaling a majority of the 538 electoral votes had signed on. The movement has gotten bills passed in 13 states with 181 electoral votes so far.

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Weekend Reads 3/9/19

The New Deal Wasn’t What You Think

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s genius was that he knew he had to get capitalism moving again. But the man who actually figured out how to do that was, ironically, inherited from the Hoover administration: Jesse Jones.

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Who Else Should We Exclude?

The United Methodist Church (UMC) last week held a Special General Conference to clarify the denomination's teaching regarding LGBTQ inclusion. The Book of Discipline (BoD), the guidebook that outlines the rules for Methodists to follow, has long held contradictory statements.

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Weekend Reads 3/2/19

The Methodist mess in St. Louis

In the four decades I’ve been an ordained leader in the UMC, we have lost 30 percent of our membership. Our response? Spend millions of dollars and hours of work to decide who else we can exclude. From what I know of Jesus, I predict he will not deal graciously with the infidelity of this church born in John Wesley’s exuberant, extroverted, "Salvation for all!"

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