Franklin Graham's Day of Prayer

Evangelist Franklin Graham has called for a national day of prayer for the president next Sunday. In a Facebook post, Graham insisted, "President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency.

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Four Types of Faith

Marcus Borg, in The Heart of Christianity, outlines four types of faith, distinguished by four Latin terms that each have a unique emphasis: assensus, fiducia, fidelitas, and visio.

Assensus is accepting a statement to be true. The opposite, according to Borg, is doubt or disbelief.

Fiducia is trust or reliance on God. The opposite is anxiety or worry.

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Weekend Reads 4/27/19

The End Of Empathy

Breithaupt is alarmed at the apparent new virus of selective empathy and how it's deepening divisions. If we embrace it, he says, then "basically you give up on civil society at that point. You give up on democracy. Because if you feed into this division more and you let it happen, it will become so strong that it becomes dangerous."

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How Climate Science Became a Political Issue

There was a time when "environmentalism" was known as "conservation", a word that shares a root with "conservative". It was Richard Nixon who created the EPA by executive order. Ronald Reagan approved the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer. And Britain's Margaret Thatcher first warned us of the perils of runaway greenhouse gas pollution, also known as climate change.

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Weekend Reads 4/13/19

Confirmed: New phase of matter is solid and liquid at the same time

Potassium, too, has been subjected to much experimental scrutiny. When compressed to similar extremes, its atoms arrange themselves into an elaborate formation—five cylindrical tubes organized into an X shape, with four long chains sitting in the crooks of this assembly, almost like two separate and non-intertwining materials.

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