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Weekend Reads 7/21/18

214 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 7/14/18

Catholic bishops end border trip by suggesting alternative to family detention

The bishops, who reportedly asked immigration reform activists not to bring protest signs, remained critical of the policies that brought them there but were careful to say there were “no villains” involved, including U.S. Border Patrol agents.

210 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 7/7/18

What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s win mean? There’s a debate.

“I think it’s the future of the party in the Bronx, where she is,” Duckworth said on CNN’s State of the Union, over the weekend. “I think that you can’t win the White House without the Midwest, and I don’t think you can go too far to the left and still win the Midwest.”

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Uncle Sam's Club

Chad Prather is a motivational speaker and a self-professed "armchair philosopher" who gained internet fame after his Unapologetically Southern YouTube video went viral. Since then, Prather has published a host of other videos, including this one where he weighs in on the immigration debate.

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The Prisoner's Dilemma

When is our own self-interest best served by going against what reason tells us is our own self-interest?

The prisoner's dilemma is a game theory scenario designed to answer that exact question. The scenario usually looks something like this.

272 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 6/16/18

How Tolkien created Middle-earth

Today, Tolkien might have come to represent the old guard of fantasy – the “locker room” that the late Ursula K LeGuin once derided. Yet fierce passion for his work endures, and even his harshest critics will concede that few creators have succeeded in building a paracosm that touches the depth of Middle-earth.

264 users have voted.

Always the Wrong Choice

The United States' largest Protestant denomination has become a slow-motion train wreck. Following the denomination's near-failure last summer to condemn white supremacy, and reeling from a decade of membership decline, the one bright light for the Southern Baptists in the era of #MeToo was that no prominent leaders had been named as sexual predators.

323 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 6/9/18

The Hidden Queer History Behind “A League of Their Own”

Players had to attend charm school and wear lipstick on the field. Their uniforms had skirts instead of pants — not great for sliding, but deemed appropriately feminine by league owner Philip K. Wrigley. All of this was chronicled in “A League of Their Own.” But there was one thing the movie left out: the reason for these requirements.

284 users have voted.


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