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Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test

Earlier this month Elizabeth Warren claimed victory after a DNA test revealed she likely had a Native American ancestor between six and ten generations back. This is the latest salvo in a long-running batle between Warren and Donald Trump.

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Weekend Reads 10/13/18

'Tribalism' is tearing the country apart ... or the word is just misused

A member of a tribe is not just ideological. It’s a people who share a history -- say 10,000 years -- a geography, and a culture. Tribalism is not a word that should be reduced to fealty to the crown. Or the opposition.

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Weekend Reads 9/22/18

The business of voluntourism: do western do-gooders actually do harm?

In Cambodia, 40 years after the Khmer Rouge genocide, the number of orphanages has been growing, according to the UN. The reason is demand – but not from abandoned children. Instead, it comes from a huge rise in Australian tourists willing to pay to work in them.

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The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

As a single game theory scenario, the prisoner's dilemma is a thought experiment revealing the shortcomings of selfishness. But when treated as an iterative game, it gains a strategic dimension and becomes a powerful working model for understanding human cooperation.

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Weekend Reads 9/15/18

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The Forgotten Climate Change Pioneer

All this time I've been wrong about climate change. In my article Are We Entering a New Mini Ice Age? I implied that global warming is simply the greenhouse effect at work in our atmosphere, and stated, "John Tyndall first proved the existence of the greenhouse effect more than 150 years ago". But that's not exactly true.

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Boycott Season

Fall is rapidly approaching. As the summer heat begins, finally, to dissipate, the air is filled with a new scent. It's the smell of burning polyurethane, as thousands—possibly even dozens—of conservatives set their shoes on fire in protest of Nike's decision to feature social justice advocate and former quarterback Colin Kaepernick in a new ad. The protesters vowed never to buy Nike merchandise again.

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