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Weekend Reads 9/8/18

230 users have voted.

"Why I don't care about 'Climate Change'"

I no longer care about 'climate change'; I care about the social, the financial, and the security impact it will have on me.

Stop educating about the science of climate change, and start educating about how this will affect you.

267 users have voted.


Afraid of trying something risky? Instead of goal-setting, try "fear-setting".

195 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 7/28/18

I’m a librarian. The last thing we need is Silicon Valley “disruption.”

I’ve often heard the argument, “That’s not the library’s job. There are agencies for that.”

144 users have voted.

The Tragedy of the Commons

The game of tic-tac-toe has simple rules, a limited number of moves, and equal chances for both sides. If both players understand the game, it is almost impossible to avoid a draw. As ecologist and philosopher Garrett Hardin noted in his 1968 paper The Tragedy of the Commons, tic-tac-toe has "no technical solution." Sure, there might be ways to win by thinking outside the box:

256 users have voted.


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