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Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads 6/25/16

Be Still My Heart: A Quick Explanation of What Biblical Scholars Do

Biblical scholarship is like building a picture puzzle. The box says 1000 pieces, but there are only 200 in the box. Biblical scholars, working with the pieces they have, try to come up with a coherent overall picture of what the entire puzzle might look like.

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Weekend Reads 6/18/16

Greenland Hits Record 75°F, Sets Melt Record As Globe Aims At Hottest Year

Last Thursday, Greenland’s capital hit 75°F, which was hotter than New York City. This was the highest temperature ever recorded there in June — in a country covered with enough ice to raise sea levels more than 20 feet.

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Weekend Reads 6/11/16

‘Game of Thrones’ and the Bible

Readers of these books will encounter two very different types of inconsistencies or discrepancies in the text. Some of these are “simple mistakes,” but others are deliberate. Some are artless and meaningless, while others are artful and meaningful. And getting those two types of inconsistencies confused can mislead readers in either of two ways.

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Weekend Reads 5/21/16

A 15-year-old boy from Canada has 'discovered' a forgotten Mayan city

He found that Mayan cities lined up exactly with stars in the civilization's major constellations.

Studying the star map further, he discovered that one city was missing from a constellation of three stars.

255 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 5/14/16

10 Comics That Shut Down Terrible Internet Arguments

Is there a persistent Internet argument that you're just sick of responding to? Don't have the energy to explain the problem with the argument for the billionth time? These comics can help, countering those troublesome arguments with a few words and pictures.

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Weekend Reads 5/7/16

The ancient Peruvian mystery solved from space

A series of canals brought the water, trapped underground, to the areas where it was needed; anything left was stored in surface reservoirs. To help keep it moving, chimneys were excavated above the canals in the shape of corkscrewing funnels. These funnels let wind into the canals, which forced the water through the system.

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Weekend Reads 4/30/16

‘The Sin of Certainty:’ Peter Enns’ journey from belief to trust

These developments should have taught Christians that you couldn’t “prove” the basic doctrines of orthodox Christianity by a simple appeal to the Bible.…Christians should have weighed the evidence presented by Darwin, the astronomers, the archaeologists and the German biblical scholars, embraced their most compelling arguments and made their peace with uncertainty.

219 users have voted.


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