Weekend Reads 12/29/18

Dutch boyband hopes to reverse Brexit through the power of music

The project's creator, Dutch animation artist Julia Veldman, told Reuters that when she heard Britain had voted to leave, "I cried, I really cried my heart out. It was so unexpected and overwhelming and it made me feel powerless."

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Weekend Reads 12/15/18

Oakland official: “We want to get Americans out of their cars and solve racism”

When I opened the discussion by asking if the e-scooters were good or bad for the city, he took a step back and reminded us all about urban history and city planning in America.

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Just and Unjust Laws

After being roundly criticized for Sunday's tear gassing by U.S. border agents of asylum seekers—including children—Donald Trump defended the action claiming the agents used a "very safe" and "very minor form" of tear gas. Trump also claimed the migrants were "some very tough people." Trump had previously authorized border guards to use lethal force, claiming the caravan included more than 500 "serious criminals."

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Evangelicals Against Trump

On the eve of midterm elections, some evangelical Christians are distressed at the ongoing reminders by mainstream media that, taken as a group, evangelicals are among Donald Trump's biggest supporters.

Journalist Terry Mattingly, in his Get Religion blog, attempts to give context to the oft-quoted statistic that 81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Mattingly identifies six categories of evangelical voters:

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