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Weekend Reads 3/9/19

The New Deal Wasn’t What You Think

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s genius was that he knew he had to get capitalism moving again. But the man who actually figured out how to do that was, ironically, inherited from the Hoover administration: Jesse Jones.

Decolonize Your Faith This Lent: A Reading List

Let’s remember that the wilderness is difficult, but it’s also revelatory, full of epiphany and vision and curiosity. If we are born from the dirt and we return to the dirt, wilderness must be sacred, and we must remember to see it that way.

Just Ask Washington: Yes, Coal-Killing Solar Panels Work In Rainy Weather

Meanwhile, coal consumption in Washington and Oregon is already far outpaced by hydropower, and it looks like the new solar activity could tip the balance even farther. Keeping in mind that all these new solar panels are coming to two states that don’t exactly lead the nation in PV development, it looks like the best is yet to come.

4 things I sacrificed by retiring early

Yet there is at least one purpose for which I miss power: the ability to make positive changes in the world. It’s harder to do that if you have little say over how groups of people spend their time and money. We are facing many problems as a society that would benefit from the wise use of power and leadership.

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