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Weekend Reads 7/29/17

The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Will Be 'One of the Events of the Century'

According to Rao, viewing the rare spectacle is akin to watching a Broadway theater's lights dimming before the drama begins: The excitement kicks in as one feels the temperature change and the birds quiet down. He said that a viewer will leave feeling so engrossed in every moment of a total solar eclipse that they feel like it passes in just seconds, although it lasts a few minutes.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Flat Earth

Neil deGrasse Tyson has landed in hot water over a recent tweet about flat-earthers.

314 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 7/22/17

Too Many Churches, Not Enough Christians

That organized religion is responding to their departure by trying to figure out how to keep them in is proof of the basic problem: a focus on the prosperity (and now survival) of the organization at the expense of strengthening the practitioners of the faith.

Watch Hackers Take Over a Segway with Someone On It

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Climate Alarmism: A Gift to Denialists

David Wallace-Wells's recent article in New York Magazine is attracting too much of the wrong kind of attention. Entitled "The Uninhabitable Earth", the article paints a gallery of climate change doomsday scenarios. From the opening sentence, "It is, I promise, worse than you think," to section titles like "Heat Death" and "The End of Food", Wallace-Wells delivers on his promise to step "beyond scientific reticence" to outline the worst-case scenario of runaway global warming.

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Killing the Neighbor's Cow

The current environment in Washington reminds me of the story of the two Russian farmers who were each farming their small one-acre plots of potatoes. Over time they'd grown to hate each other. They hated each other for so long they no longer even remembered why. One year, one of the farmers saved up enough money to buy a cow to provide milk for his family. The other farmer was envious and angry. He was walking on his land, kicking everything in sight out of anger—a rock, the dirt—eventually he kicked an old lamp and out came a genie.

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Weekend Reads 7/15/17

The half-beef/half-mushroom burger: Notes from the field

I have to say, the results were delicious—juicy, firm and deeply meaty in terms of flavor. Yet they were also lighter on the stomach than a typical beef burger, leaving me satisfied but not over full. Interestingly, they were also more forgiving on the grill. Due to a scheduling error in the kitchen, I overcooked them a little to 160 degrees, and yet they still turned out juicy, and even a little pink.

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Weekend Reads 7/8/17

Some Random Observations Concerning Yet Another Similarity Between Some Atheists and YECists

The irony of all this is that the very thing that Ken Ham wrongly asserts that evolutionists claim—namely that the human species were nothing more than stupid, ape-like brutes with no sense and no understanding of any kind of technology whatsoever—was essentially what this rabid atheist was claiming in his attempt to discredit the intelligence of the ancient people and biblical writers who lived a few thousand years ago!

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Is Luck a Skill?

According to psychologist Richard Wiseman, writing for the Telegraph, luck is an easy skill to learn.

My research revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four basic principles. They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.

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The Light from Distant Stars, Part 2

In the previous post I looked at Jason Lisle's attempt to demonstrate how we could see old starlight in a young universe, appealing to arcane cosmological concepts such as gravitational time dilation and an anisotropic synchrony convention. How does Lisle tie this hypothesis to Genesis?

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