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The End of Gas

Swedish automaker Volvo made news last month when it announced it would stop building cars powered solely by internal combustion engine within a little more than a year. Cars manufactured for 2019 and beyond with either be fully electric, or powered by hybrid engines.

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Weekend Reads 8/26/17

How to Roll Back Fanaticism

Progress is not made by crushing some swarm of malevolent foes; it’s made by finding balance between competing truths — between freedom and security, diversity and solidarity. There’s always going to be counter-evidence and mystery. There is no final arrangement that will end conflict, just endless searching and adjustment.

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Three Habits of Original Thinkers

Excerpts from Adam Grant's TED Talk.

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Weekend Reads 8/19/17

Female engineers explain why James Damore was really fired from Google

One engineer, writing under the name Edith, said it wasn't just the content of the memo that was objectionable. It was the intent and framing too, and that's why she said Google was right to fire Damore.

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After last weekend's horrific violence in Charlottesville, civilized people of all political stripes joined in unison to condemn the cowardly attack.

But the President of the United States couldn't find the courage to condemn terrorism committed in the name of white supremacy.

By Monday morning, Trump's defenders were ready with their talking point: The Nazis aren't so bad; we should worry about a group named Antifa.

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Is Donald Trump a Racist or Just a Coward?

By now most people have heard about this weekend's violence in Charlottesville. A protest by "alt right" white supremacists was in turn the subject of a counter-protest. One of the white supremacists drove his car into the crowd of counter-protestors, killing one and injuring 19 others.

This horrific act of terrorism was roundly condemned by politicians on both sides of the aisle.

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Weekend Reads 8/12/17

Parenting Is Not a "Job," and Marriage Is Not "Work"

A big reason we call motherhood a job is to impress upon our patriarchal, work-obsessed society the value, importance, and difficulty of women’s unpaid domestic labor. But in adopting the vocabulary of an oppressive system in order to improve women’s prospects within it, we concede the nature the system itself. If everything is work, then talk of "work-life balance" is a sham.

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Parrondo's Paradox

Imagine you are in a casino designed by a depraved psychologist. There are no slot machines, no card games. The only tokens are your own dollar bills. There are only two games.

The first, Game A, is simple: You pay the casino $1, and you always lose. It's sort of like playing the lottery.

The second, Game B, at least gives you a chance to win, but is more expensive and is still stacked in the house's favor. You count your money. If the total is an even amount, you win $3, Otherwise you pay $5.

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Reading the Bible the Logical Way ?

A guy who calls himself the Thinking Christian has a Facebook post in which he attempts to make the case that his way of reading the Bible is the logical way, and therefore the only way.

In every situation, there is only ONE truth. 2+2 always = 4; P always = P; a lie always = a lie; etc.

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