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Climate Patriotism

A short film promoting the April 29th Peoples Climate March.

321 users have voted.

Trump to Resign?

Have you heard the news? Donald Trump is considering resigning. It's all over the internet, so there must be some truth to it. Right?

Trump Considering Resigning Due To Flynn Testimony

Donald Trump Considers Resigning as President of the United States

308 users have voted.

Did Moses Write the Books of Moses? Part 5: What Does It Matter?

We have seen that, although fundamentalists insist that the Bible could not be reliable if the Pentateuch was written by anyone other than Moses, centuries of Bible scholarship have led most scholars to the conclusion that these books were written by later authors.

But does any of this scholarship make a difference? The teachings are the same, regardless of who put the words on the paper. Right?

224 users have voted.

Did Moses Write the Books of Moses? Part 4: The Scholarly Challenges

The documentary hypothesis (DH) has been the leading scholarly view on the authorship of the pentateuch since the 19th century. Fundamentalists haven't accepted it, and probably never will, but the DH has been dominant in the scholarly community for more than a century.

305 users have voted.

Did Moses Write the Books of Moses? Part 3: The Fundamentalist Response

By the early 20th century, the documentary hypothesis (DH) had become the leading explanation for the multiple points of view found in the Pentateuch. Not everyone has been happy with this development.

336 users have voted.

Did Moses Write the Books of Moses? Part 2: Wellhausen

The documentary hypothesis (DH) would come to full fruition in the 19th century when scholars identified two more sources—"P", which focuses on rituals of interest to priests, and "D", which comprises the majority of the book of Deuteronomy—as well as a redactor "R" who brought everything together into the five books we know today.

330 users have voted.


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