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Weekend Reads 12/16/17

Scam I Am: Why is the G.O.P. Rushing This Tax Abomination?

It’s outrageous. But it also looks like really bad politics, especially given what we know is coming: calls next year for cuts in popular social programs, because of a deficit Republicans just voted to explode. So what are they thinking?

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The Loser of the Election

According to Mark Galli's editorial Tuesday in Christianity Today, the biggest loser in Alabama's special election is not Roy Moore and the Republicans, but the Christian faith. The election, says Galli, shines a spotlight on an issue that has been "festering for a year and a half", ever since evangelicals flocked en masse to the Trump campaign.

Regarding support for Trump, Galli says:

284 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 12/9/17's 2017 Word of the Year Is ‘Complicit’

"This year a conversation that keeps on surfacing is what exactly it means to be complicit," lexicographer Jane Solomon said. "Complicit has sprung up in conversations about those who speak out against powerful figures in institutions, and those who stay silent."

255 users have voted.

War on Christmas, 2017 Edition

If it’s December, it’s time for Fox News to reignite the flames of the alleged "war on Christmas". "I told you that we would be saying 'Merry Christmas' again," proclaimed President Trump in St. Louis this week.

353 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 12/2/17

365 users have voted.

Messaging Aliens

A number of scientists have expressed concern about an action taken recently by another group of scientists.

278 users have voted.


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