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Googling the Dinosaurs' Demise

Have you heard what happened to the dinosaurs? It's pretty big news, the latest cause célèbre among science educators and advocacy groups. Google "what happened to the dinosaurs" and you'll see a lot of results like these:

413 users have voted.

Discrimination in Kentucky

It's been fifteen months since Ken Ham debated Bill Nye over the viability of creationism as a model of origins (video link). Ham has spent most of those 15 months embroiled in a different sort of controversy.

395 users have voted.

Does the Bible Claim pi Equals Three?

Then he made the molten sea; it was round, ten cubits from brim to brim, and five cubits high. A line of thirty cubits would encircle it completely.

1 Kings 7:23

399 users have voted.

Is Intelligent Design Science?

Its proponents claim it has scientific merit; its detractors say it is grounded in religious doctrine. But the truly salient characteristic the Intelligent Design (ID) movement in the first three decades is the amount of time it has spent embroiled in court battles.

460 users have voted.


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