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In Denial about Denial

Last month Senator Ted Cruz discussed climate change with Glen Beck:

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Keep Your Eye on the Man, not the Dog

Neil DeGrasse Tyson explains the difference between climate and weather.

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Unanswered Climate Change Questions, Answered

In a recent article for the Wall Street Journal, John Steele Gordon asserts that climate science is a "veritable conucopia of unanswered questions". Gordon offers a sample of these questions:

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Are We Entering a New Mini Ice Age?

Climate change deniers are positively ecstatic about a new model of solar activity presented last week at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, North Wales.

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The Climate Imp

Among the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson is a short story titled "The Bottle Imp," the tale of a cursed bottle that brings its owner short-term gain but carries a severe long-term danger.

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400 ppm

The world reached a milestone last month. Or maybe the month before. Or at the beginning of the year. Or possibly last year.

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Republican Leadership on Climate Change?

In these days, when Republican presidential candidates are proud to deny the reality of anthropogenic climate change, and the Republican chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee is leading denier in all of Washington, it might be hard to remember the time a leading Republican spoke these words:

The issue of climate change respects no border. Its effects cannot be reined in by an army nor advanced by any ideology. Climate change, with its potential to impact every corner of the world, is an issue that must be addressed by the world.

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"I'm Not a Scientist"

Five years ago this week a massive snowstorm shut down Washington, D.C. for several days. The family of Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe built an igloo on the National Mall and labeled it "Al Gore's new home" in a mocking tribute to Gore's efforts to publicize the seriousness of global warming. Inhofe told reporters he thought the igloo was "really humorous".

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