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Global Warming or End Times?

Alan White of Answers in Genesis may hold that global warming is nothing to worry about, but not all creationists agree. Joel Stockstill, in an article at, says time is running out.

Is it global warming really or just the end times prophesied by Jesus?

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Don't Worry, the Climate and Everything is Under Control

The creationist organization Answers in Genesis, not content with denying the truth of evolution, is also taking on climate change. Dr. Alan White, introducing the topic in an editorial titled The Globe Is Warming, But It's Not Your Fault!, tries to give the appearance of balance.

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Persuading a Climate Skeptic

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams is at it again. Fresh from congratulating himself for predicting Donald Trump's victory, Adams is applying his "persuasion filter" to climate science. His premise is simple.

I can’t tell which argument is right. I’m not smart enough to evaluate this sort of topic. But if we are looking at the persuasion dimension alone, one of these is far stronger persuasion than the other.

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Climate Change: The Human Fingerprint

How do we know global warming is caused by the 30 billion tons of CO2 spewed into the atmosphere by human activity? Here are ten pieces of evidence. Click the image for additional information from Skeptical Science.

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When Conservatives Tackled Environmental Problems

The 1980s were a time of ecological upheaval. It would still be some time before the dangers of global warming were fully understood, but we were already facing the negative consequences of human activity: smog, acid rain, nuclear reactor fallout. But the environmental issue that garnered the most attention was the 1985 discovery of the infamous ozone hole.

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Climate Has Changed Before

Via XKCD. This timeline shows the last 22,000 years of climate change.


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Climate Change Casualties

The rat-like Bramble Cay melomys appears to have become extinct.

The rodent was known to have lived only on Bramble Cay, a minuscule atoll in the northeast Torres Strait, between the Cape York Peninsula in the Australian state of Queensland and the southern shores of Papua New Guinea. The long-tailed, whiskered creature, called the Bramble Cay melomys, was considered the only mammal endemic to the Great Barrier Reef.

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Walkable Cities

We'd all be healthier if we spent less time in our cars. Here's how to make it happen.

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Time for Action on Climate Change

From wildfires in Alberta to flooding in the Solomons, climate change is making the wrong kind of headlines.

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Global Warming Hiatus?

During a December interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep, presidential candidate Ted Cruz turned the tables and asked the reporter a question.

"Let me ask you a question, Steve. Is there global warming, yes or no?"

"Absolutely, sure," Inskeep replied.

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