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Weekend Reads 1/4/20

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Rooting for the Pilot to Fail

One of my friends posted this on Facebook, and I can't help but think the letter writer has missed the whole point.

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Incestuous Creationists part 3

In my last post I looked at creationists' hypothesis that incest was the primary means of populating the earth in the early days. Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International offers a particularly detailed defense.

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Incestuous Creationists part 2

In my previous post I looked at the creationist explanation for where Cain found his wife. Marrying your relatives, it turns out, is not a sin in creationist land.

Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International takes it a step further.

The main point is: morality is defined by the law of our Creator, who owns us, and who makes the rules, for our good. For example:

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Incestuous Creationists, part 1

Where did Cain get his wife? It's one of those questions that has bedeviled creationists since the dawn of young-earth creationism (early 1960s), questions that would never need an answer except for a modernist approach to biblical hermeneutics that insists all Bible stories must be treated as eyewitness history.

185 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 12/7/19

House Democrat says he plans to vote against all articles of impeachment

He warned Democrats to "be careful what you wish for" and he added that impeachment "is tearing the nation apart. ... And I want to bring people together."

Van Drew, whose district voted for Trump in 2016, said he would have preferred a censure vote on Trump so they could "move on."

146 users have voted.

Speaking Truth to Power

I haven't posted new content for a while, but I expect to have some soon. For now, here is a little something I wrote for my old blog back in 2005.

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He got the king's attention by telling a story:

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