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A Fish Out of Water

Some fish may talk about being amphibious, but the mudskipper really walks the walk.

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A Climate Emergency?

The government shutdown is temporarily in remission. Federal workers can start receiving their paychecks as Congress and the White House attempt to work out a longer-term solution. The president continues to threaten to declare a national emergency if Congress won't fund his wall.

184 users have voted.

Term Limits: A Bad Idea

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has proposed a Constitutional Amendment that would impose term limits on members of Congress. If passed and ratified, the amendment would limit Senators to two terms of six years, and House members to three terms of two years. Cruz believes the amendment will provide a greater level of accountability in Washington.

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Weekend Reads 1/12/19

It's too soon to tell

It’s like the difference between “John quit smoking on Saturday” and “John quits smoking on Saturdays.” The former might be a true first step. It might be big news, indicating a major positive change in John’s life. But the latter would tell us, instead, that nothing in John’s life is really changing at all.

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Hedgehog Metacognition

Ars Technica summarizes a new study from University College London that seeks to understand why some people don't learn from their own mistakes.

One common feature of radicalism is a confidence in the rightness of your ideas, even if they go against those of society at large.

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