Mail-in Elections: Why Not?

As we move closer to November with no solution for the global Covid-19 pandemic, several U.S. states are looking to expand access to mail-in voting. This is greatly concerning to U.S. President Donald Trump. "To really vote, and without fraud, you have to go and you have to vote at the polling place," he said while visiting a Ford factory last week.

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Weekend Reads 5/16/20

 McConnell says Obama administration 'did leave behind' pandemic plan

“As to whether or not the plan was followed and who is the critic and all the rest, I don’t have any observation about that because I don’t know enough about the details of that ... to comment on it in any detail,” he added.

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The Pandemic and the Economy

A couple weeks ago, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick suggested it would be better for older Americans to sacrifice their lives than to risk economic disruption.

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COVID-19's Exponential Growth

I'm a pessimist. I always have been, and I probably always will be. When I started saying in early March that the coronavirus would probably be one of the deadlier viruses in history, Facebook friends accused me of promoting hysteria, of rooting for the virus, of wanting to hurt the president. Just for the record, my warnings were motivated by none of those. I was motivated because I had done the math. But the concept of exponentiation is hard to get across in text. Sometimes it takes a picture to convey what words are unable to.

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Weekend Reads 4/11/20

Stephen King Is Sorry You Feel Like You're Stuck In A Stephen King Novel

A pandemic like COVID-19 was "bound to happen," King says. "There was never any question that in our society, where travel is a staple of daily life, that sooner or later, there was going to be a virus that was going to communicate to the public at large."

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