Time for Action on Climate Change

From wildfires in Alberta to flooding in the Solomons, climate change is making the wrong kind of headlines.

298 users have voted.

The House and the Home

Theology professor John Walton presents an analogy for the Bible's creation stories.

350 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 5/7/16

The ancient Peruvian mystery solved from space

A series of canals brought the water, trapped underground, to the areas where it was needed; anything left was stored in surface reservoirs. To help keep it moving, chimneys were excavated above the canals in the shape of corkscrewing funnels. These funnels let wind into the canals, which forced the water through the system.

458 users have voted.

What's the Matter with Liberals?

Columnists Emmett Rensin of Vox and Kevin Drum of Mother Jones have a disagreement. Rensin thinks liberals are too smug, while Drum thinks they are too condescending.

They're both trying to explain the paradox of why white working-class voters favor Republicans. Rensin notes:

369 users have voted.

The Garden

a retelling of a Taoist parable

In a village two temples stood next to each other. One was a Buddhist temple with a garden. One of the priests was a master gardener who spent time every day tending the flowers, shrubs, and trees.

Next to the Buddhist temple was a smaller Taoist temple. Every day the aged Taoist master sat outside and watched the Buddhist priest care for the garden.

467 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 4/30/16

‘The Sin of Certainty:’ Peter Enns’ journey from belief to trust

These developments should have taught Christians that you couldn’t “prove” the basic doctrines of orthodox Christianity by a simple appeal to the Bible.…Christians should have weighed the evidence presented by Darwin, the astronomers, the archaeologists and the German biblical scholars, embraced their most compelling arguments and made their peace with uncertainty.

219 users have voted.

The Age of the Earth: Science and Scripture

The cosmic calendar is a way of visualizing natural history by compressing the entire history of the universe into a single year. In this calendar, the Big Bang occurred at midnight on January 1, and the present time is the last milliseconds of December 31. The Milky Way galaxy was formed in mid-May, and our solar system in September. Multicellular life appeared in early December, the first vertibrates on December 22, dinosaurs on Christmas Day, humans in the late night hours of New Year's Eve.

345 users have voted.

Rasing Successful Kids

Which factor has a greater impact on your child's test scores: The amount of time you spend reading with your child, or the number of books you have in your house? Got your answer? Try this one: The number of hours the kid spends watching television, or the number of hours the parents spend at PTA meetings?

489 users have voted.

Global Warming Hiatus?

During a December interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep, presidential candidate Ted Cruz turned the tables and asked the reporter a question.

"Let me ask you a question, Steve. Is there global warming, yes or no?"

"Absolutely, sure," Inskeep replied.

376 users have voted.


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