We Can't Avoid GMOs

Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) safe to eat? If you ask the American public, an overwhelming majority will say no. But limit the poll to scientists, and an even more overwhelming majority will say yes. 

366 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 1/9/16

Giving money away makes us happy. Then why do so few of us do it?

We find a strong and highly consistent association between generous practices and various measures of personal well-being like happiness, health, a sense of purpose in life, and personal growth. In our book we discuss the various causal mechanisms that produce this association. While greater well-being can encourage generosity, practices of generosity also enhance well-being.

357 users have voted.

Why Did God Put Contradictions in the Bible?

James McGrath, professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University, has a link to a video by creationist and serial tax cheat Kent Hovind, dealing with discrepancies between Acts 9 and Acts 22.

349 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 1/2/16

Kenyan Muslims shield Christians in Mandera bus attack

They told the militants "to kill them together or leave them alone", a local governor told Kenyan media.

How to Drive in the Snow Like a Pro

320 users have voted.

Methodological Naturalism

Terry Mortenson of Answers in Genesis (AiG) is not a fan of scientific study of the earth. According to Mortenson, the entire field of geology is rooted in anti-theistic philosophy.

473 users have voted.

Are Wages Too High?

Bernie Sanders appeared on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, sharply criticizing Donald Trump while attempting to appeal to Trump's supporters.

Look, many of Trump's supporters are working-class people. And they are angry. And they're angry because they are working longer hours for lower wages. They're angry because their jobs have left this country and gone to China or other low-wage countries.…

347 users have voted.

The Omphalos Hypothesis

Today we're going to explore one of the deep theological questions: Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

The young-earth creationist organization Answers in Genesis says no:

451 users have voted.

Bombing Agrabah

According to research from Public Policy Polling, 30% of Republicans and nearly 20% of Democrats support the bombing of Agrabah. The left-leaning polling organization makes a big deal of the level of Republican support, but the level of Democratic support is disturbingly high as well.

417 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 12/19/15

The Hunt for Alien Molecules

Most of the wiggles in the Horsehead data were easily attributable to common chemicals such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and neutral carbon. But there was also a small, unidentified line at 89.957 gigahertz. This was a mystery—a molecule completely unknown to science.

308 users have voted.


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