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The Light from Distant Stars, Part 1

One of the biggest problems for young-earth creationism (YEC) is the light from distant stars. Because light travels at a constant rate, if we can calculate the distance to another galaxy, we can determine how long its light has been traveling to reach us. The existence of galaxies whose light has traveled thirteen billion years would seem to be an insurmountable problem for YEC.

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Weekend Reads 6/24/17

216 users have voted.

White Supremacy and Western Christianity

It's one thing to make a formal declaration opposing white supremacy. But, Morgan Guyton points out, the words are meaningless if we are unable to recognize just how deeply white supremacy is embedded in Western culture, and particularly in Western Christianity.

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Southern Baptists Condemn White Supremacy and the Alt-Right

Last week the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)—the United States' largest Protestant denomination—voted to condemn white supremacy and its latest manifestation, the alt-right movement. Were it any other denomination, this would not be news—nor would a convention vote even be necessary. But Southern Baptists always been different from other Christians.

397 users have voted.

How Much Warming Is Due to Human Activity?

Is it 25%? 50%? 99%?

Whatever number you picked, you're too low.

389 users have voted.

Evangelicals' Dream President

Donald Trump is not a popular president. His approval ratings are the lowest for a first-year president in all the time approval ratings have been tracked.

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Weekend Reads 5/27/17

Republicans Are as Tainted by the Russia Scandal as Trump

Unless this story has a second act, McCarthy and Ryan will stick to the explanation that their Putin-paying-Trump speculation was meant to be a joke. But even if that part of the conversation had never happened, the rest of it, and the later briefing with Obama officials, tell a perfectly rounded story of congressional Republicans’ complicity in Russian sabotage of the Clinton campaign.

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The Slippery Slope of Bible Literalism

Gallup polling shows for the first time in 40 years of asking this question that the number of Americans who say the Bible is a book of stories recorded by humans has surpassed the number who believe it is the "word of God to be taken literally".

What the headline doesn't reveal is that a clear plurality still believe the Bible is inspired by God but is not all meant to be taken literally—as has been the case every time Gallup has polled this subject.

329 users have voted.


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