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Just and Unjust Laws

After being roundly criticized for Sunday's tear gassing by U.S. border agents of asylum seekers—including children—Donald Trump defended the action claiming the agents used a "very safe" and "very minor form" of tear gas. Trump also claimed the migrants were "some very tough people." Trump had previously authorized border guards to use lethal force, claiming the caravan included more than 500 "serious criminals."

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After last weekend's horrific violence in Charlottesville, civilized people of all political stripes joined in unison to condemn the cowardly attack.

But the President of the United States couldn't find the courage to condemn terrorism committed in the name of white supremacy.

By Monday morning, Trump's defenders were ready with their talking point: The Nazis aren't so bad; we should worry about a group named Antifa.

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"It Shouldn't Have to Work That Way"

Trevor Noah discusses police shootings.

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The Matter with "All Lives Matter"

Of all the criticisms of the "black lives matter" movement, the most enduring is that the group should not focus on black lives but instead say, "all lives matter." On the surface it sounds like a more inclusive phrase, so why has this suggestion been met with resistance?

One Redditor offered a clear analogy explaining why "black lives matter" is the more accurate phrase.

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Bombing Agrabah

According to research from Public Policy Polling, 30% of Republicans and nearly 20% of Democrats support the bombing of Agrabah. The left-leaning polling organization makes a big deal of the level of Republican support, but the level of Democratic support is disturbingly high as well.

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