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Fact Checking for Weasels

It's rare to see such transparent dishonesty as in this piece from E. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. The Cornwall Alliance is, according to its website,

197 users have voted.

Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Flat Earth

Neil deGrasse Tyson has landed in hot water over a recent tweet about flat-earthers.

314 users have voted.

Trump to Resign?

Have you heard the news? Donald Trump is considering resigning. It's all over the internet, so there must be some truth to it. Right?

Trump Considering Resigning Due To Flynn Testimony

Donald Trump Considers Resigning as President of the United States

308 users have voted.

The Consequences of Fake News

If you're on Facebook, you've probably seen some of the breathless, clickbaity political headlines. Republicans Ban First Amendment in Congress or California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution.

249 users have voted.

The Election-Rigging Conspiracy

Facing nearly certain defeat at the polls, and unwilling to acknowledge his own weaknesses as a candidate, Donald Trump has raised the spectre of a rigged election. Trump's mental surrogate Scott Adams is confident this will happen.

256 users have voted.

The Satanic Baby-Killers of London

From Slacktivist:

Are there secret kitchens beneath a London McDonald’s in which babies sacrificed to Satan are cooked before being eaten by Satanic cult members? Do these Satanic baby-killers wear special shoes made from the skins of dead babies? Do they drink blood and dance wearing the skulls of the babies they’ve slain for their Dark Lord?

406 users have voted.

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