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Weekend Reads 8/22/20

Jerry Falwell’s Zipper Has Been Down for Years

The Liberty community has always looked at Falwell and seen things that made us uncomfortable. He’s always shown us too much. For instance, Falwell has explicitly said that he takes no responsibility for the spiritual growth of Liberty students, even though the school is a Christian university. A loyal supporter of Donald Trump, Falwell has openly said that his political activities are not influenced at all by his faith.

USPS crisis: postmaster general to suspend all changes until after election

In a statement on Tuesday, DeJoy, a major Republican donor without prior USPS experience, said post office hours would not change, mail processing facilities would not close and equipment, including mailboxes, would not be removed. He also said the USPS would continue to approve overtime.

The announcement came after days of heavy scrutiny and on the day more than 20 states were set to file a lawsuit challenging the changes.

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