Love Is the Primary Energy to Amend Climate Change
It my seem odd to look to a colonial Quaker as the model for amending climate change — I say amend because we have already changed the climate; the best goal now is to stop further change and amend our way of live — but his model/witness may be the exact model/witness we need.
Chipotle Says It's Getting Rid of GMOs. Here's the Problem.
Here's the thing, though: GMOs are totally safe to eat. Eighty-eight percent of the scientists in that same poll agreed. As longtime environmentalist Mark Lynas pointed out in the New York Times recently, the level of scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs is comparable to the scientific consensus on climate change, which is to say that the disagreement camp is a rapidly diminishing minority.
Internet Security Marketing: Buyer Beware
In an "attack map", the world is shown in some form, and attacks are depicted (with color animation) as some kind of missile, launched from a country of origin, landing on a victim. What could be simpler?
A group of scientists attending a major conference get together in a bar. They talk, but they agree on nothing because they are critical academics. The server comes along to take the beer order and says, “I noticed you all are constantly arguing. What are you arguing about?”
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