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Weekend Reads 3/12/16

The Surprising, One-Size-Fits-All Solution To The Gender-Leadership Gap

58% of women with children and 55% of women without children told LeanIn and McKinsey researchers that they weren't interested in top-level jobs for the very same reason: because of the stress those jobs entailed. Nor were women simply less tolerant of it: Roughly 50% of men in both categories (with children and without) cited the same source for their reluctance. To set corporate America on a path to gender equality, we need to rethink work cultures in ways that lets everyone thrive.

Ted Cruz Is Stuck in the 1980s

But Reagan’s anti-government message was rooted in the context of his time: Reagan said that “in the present crisis, government is not the solution,” not that government is never the solution. Later on, recognizing that America is not just home to government-loathing libertarians, Reagan added, “it’s not my intention to do away with government,” and that “government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it.”

Why does stepping on Lego hurt so much?

Lego is made out of ABS plastic - three types of material combined to give the bricks strength, resistance and shininess.

But all those qualities we look for in our Lego combine to make a very strong toy that doesn't give way under pressure.

Folks Before Kochs

More than anything else, Trump has demonstrated that white working-class voters have minds of their own. They will not simply line up behind the candidates selected for them by hedge-funders and industrialists during the “invisible primary.” If we define working-class voters as those without a college degree, Ronald Brownstein of the Atlantic estimates that this bloc represents 53 percent of Republicans, split almost evenly between those who are conservative Christians and those who are not. The Pew Research Center reports that in 2012, 53 percent of Republicans were part of families that earned less than $75,000 a year. These groups, which tend to overlap, are Donald Trump’s base. Ever since the Nixon era, Republicans have relied on the white working class to achieve political victories. Now, it has revolted against the GOP elite.

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