Storming The U.S. Capitol Was About Maintaining White Power In America
It is not by chance that most of the individuals who descended on the nation’s capital were white, nor is it an accident that they align with the Republican Party and this president. Moreover, it is not a coincidence that symbols of white racism, including the Confederate flag, were present and prominently displayed. Rather, years of research make clear that what we witnessed in Washington, D.C., is the violent outgrowth of a belief system that argues that white Americans and leaders who assuage whiteness should have an unlimited hold on the levers of power in this country.
Under pressure, Cuomo to widen vaccine eligibility
Cuomo said people will be able to make appointments at thousands of new vaccination sites, including pharmacies, physician networks and community health centers. He said 500 pharmacies will start accepting reservations next week.
However, he warned it could be weeks before people who make appointments will actually be able to get vaccinated.
Effort to impeach Trump again gathers pace after 'attempted coup' at Capitol
The Republican senator Ben Sasse said on Friday he would “definitely consider” any articles of impeachment from the House, telling CBS News Trump had “disregarded his oath of office” and that his incitement of violence was “wicked”.
Lisa Murkowski of Atlanta told the Anchorage Daily News: “I want him to resign. I want him out. He has caused enough damage.”
The Deadly Four-Year Coup We All Saw Coming
Media members, lawmakers, pastors, mental health professionals, and students of history have been meticulously recording in real-time, thousands of legislative assaults, incendiary Twitter tirades, Constitutional crises, open abuses of power, and unthinkable acts of cruelty—any one of which, in a different Administration under a different president in a different version of his party, would have been enough to trigger the most decisive and swift response.
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