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Weekend Reads 10/17/15

This study is forcing economists to rethink high-deductible health insurance

In one sense, then, the high-deductible plan did accomplish a key goal: lower health spending. But when the researchers looked at why spending dropped, they found it had nothing to do with smarter shopping. The average price of a doctor visit wasn't dropping.

Instead, under the high-deductible plan, workers just went to the doctor way less. The paper finds that "spending reductions are entirely due to outright reductions in quantity."

Hillary Clinton finally finds her sweet spot

Clinton answered Sanders not only by debating him over whether she is progressive enough on the issues he has tried to own, but also by laying claim to issues such as paid family and sick leave and early childhood education. In so doing, she staked out her own progressive turf, rather than fighting on his alone.

Why You Should Run from “Bible Believing Churches”

There are disagreements that run throughout the Bible. Those disagreements are one of the things that I love about the Bible! The Bible models for us how to wrestle with God and ask questions about faith.

The Bible contains human testimony about how God works in the world, but it is not God’s inerrant Word. The Bible points beyond itself to God, and in the New Testament, to the God revealed in Jesus.

Bones of Contention II: Ape, Human or Fraud? Young Earth Creationists Respond to the Dinaledi Chamber Fossil Discovery

I understand why creationist’ organizations such as Answers in Genesis feel the need to immediately “answer” every question that their constituents have. Telling their readers and donors that they don’t know if these bones are animals or humans will rarely look good, at least in the short-term. After all, these organizations argue all the time for the great gulf between man and animals both in behavior, culture and biology.

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