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Scott Adams is a funny guy. His Dilbert comic strip has been skewering the irrationalities of the workplace for more than two decades. But lately Adams has taken time away from his busy schedule of drawing pictures to explain—apparently in all seriousness—why he, as a certified hypnotist, believes Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States.

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Self-Defense or Self-Denial? Part 3

In the previous two posts, we've looked at David French's argument for a God-given right to self-defense. Taking the same approach as 19th-century supporters of slavery, French gathered a set of proof texts that appeared to support his case.

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Weekend Reads 7/2/16

The Families That Can't Afford Summer

A real investment in affordable summer learning programs could improve children’s success in school, while relieving their parents of a stress that shouldn’t be part of the season we still refer to as “vacation.”

There is a model for the new politics we need. It’s in Spain

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Self-Defense or Self-Denial? part 2

In the previous post I looked at some of David French's arguments for a biblical right to self defense. French has combed the Bible and marshalled a handful of isolated verses that he believes give him the right to use deadly force. When examined in context, his first three verses failed to make the case.

French next turns to the book of Esther. For the first time, French finds two verses in the same Bible book.

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Self-Defense or Self-Denial? part 1

Journalist and blogger David French believes passionately that the constitutional "right to bear arms" is rooted in a more ancient God-given right. "It is quite clear," says French, "that God has not merely sanctioned the right of self defense but has explicitly approved even the use of deadly force to protect human life."

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Weekend Reads 6/25/16

Be Still My Heart: A Quick Explanation of What Biblical Scholars Do

Biblical scholarship is like building a picture puzzle. The box says 1000 pieces, but there are only 200 in the box. Biblical scholars, working with the pieces they have, try to come up with a coherent overall picture of what the entire puzzle might look like.

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It Doesn't Take Much

In 1974, a series of floods destroyed crops throughout Bangladesh, putting the nation in a state of famine. Muhammad Yunus, economics professor at Chittagong University in southeastern Bangladesh, was disturbed by the disconnect between economic theory and the reality he saw around him.

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Weekend Reads 6/18/16

Greenland Hits Record 75°F, Sets Melt Record As Globe Aims At Hottest Year

Last Thursday, Greenland’s capital hit 75°F, which was hotter than New York City. This was the highest temperature ever recorded there in June — in a country covered with enough ice to raise sea levels more than 20 feet.

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A Look at Two Mass Killings

It's been almost a year since Dylann Roof murdered nine people during a Bible study at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. It's been less than two days since Omar Mateen murdered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

What do the two incidents have in common, other than being horrific acts committed by mentally disturbed individuals with extreme ideologies?

If you read World Net Daily (WND), the answer is clear: They are President Obama's fault.

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Weekend Reads 6/11/16

‘Game of Thrones’ and the Bible

Readers of these books will encounter two very different types of inconsistencies or discrepancies in the text. Some of these are “simple mistakes,” but others are deliberate. Some are artless and meaningless, while others are artful and meaningful. And getting those two types of inconsistencies confused can mislead readers in either of two ways.

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