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The Religious...Left?

Ruth Graham, writing for Slate, looks at the demise of the religious right and wonders about the prospects for a different religious and political alignment.

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Weekend Reads 7/30/16

The Big Read: The devil inside Pastor Olivier

And then, the pastor asked: "Are you suggesting I give away some of [my wealth]?" Well, yes. Many of us do, it is expected from Christians to do exactly that and it would have a powerful, conciliatory meaning if a white man did that in a poor and unequal country after apartheid.

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Five Reasons to Doubt a Global Flood

I wrote back in March about a creationist "fossil expert" who insisted a trove of fossil snails found in Tyler, Texas had been buried during Noah's flood. Why are the rest of the world's geologists not convinced?

332 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 7/23/16

Why the GOP is trying to stop the Pentagon's climate plan

DOD officials have been warning for years that climate change could have dire consequences on U.S. national security. Increased refugee flows, which are already straining Europe, are likely to accelerate as the climate heats up and have the potential to destabilize large swaths of the world, including the Middle East and South Pacific.

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"It Shouldn't Have to Work That Way"

Trevor Noah discusses police shootings.

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Grandmother Spider and the Sun

A retelling of a Cherokee myth

Long ago, when the world was made, there was only darkness. There was much confusion, and people were always bumping into each other.

One day Fox told everyone he had seen the other side of the world, which was always light. He had asked the people of that place to share their light, but they were too greedy.

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Weekend Reads 7/16/16

Why Gun Nuts Lie – I Know From Experience

Some have said to me; the point is for the citizens to be “as armed as well as the government.”

For starters, today, the military has fully automatic M-16s. Citizens can’t buy that. You have to get a tamer version: AR-15.

283 users have voted.

Whose Lives Mattter?

Steve Hayes disagrees with my last post. In his blog Khanya, he argues staunchly that "all lives matter" is not a racist phrase. He has heard the arguments for it, and remains unconvinced. But his reasoning is different from that of the typical "all lives matter" supporter. He looks at a handful of recent articles, and finds them wanting.

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The Matter with "All Lives Matter"

Of all the criticisms of the "black lives matter" movement, the most enduring is that the group should not focus on black lives but instead say, "all lives matter." On the surface it sounds like a more inclusive phrase, so why has this suggestion been met with resistance?

One Redditor offered a clear analogy explaining why "black lives matter" is the more accurate phrase.

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Weekend Reads 7/9/16

200,000 year old soil found at mysterious crater, a 'gate to the subterranean world'

Batagaika started to form in 1960s after a chunk of forest was cleared: the land sunk, and has continued to do so, evidently speeded by recent warmer temperatures melting the permafrost, so unbinding the layers on the surface and below. Major flooding in 2008 increased the size of the depression which grows at up to 15 metres per year.

273 users have voted.


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