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Furor Over Starbucks Holiday Cups: Poe's Law in Action

It started last week with a article by Raheem Kassam. Though he claims he doesn't even like Starbucks coffee, Kassam looks forward to Starbucks' annual tradition of red cups for the holidays.

400 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 11/7/15

Reality Sucks

It’s true that the debate exposed a division within the country. But the division isn’t between the press and the public. It’s between people who listen to evidence—reporters, policy analysts, and many Democrats and Republicans—and an impervious, defiant wing of the GOP.

268 users have voted.

A Product of its Time

You've probably never heard of Wilder Publications. To the extent this small publishing house is known at all, it's known for bowdlerizing classic works and putting them out under its own copyright.

305 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 10/31/15

Renewable Energy Is About To Boom In Africa

Some of the most cost-competitive photovoltaic projects worldwide are already in Africa. For example, the utility-scale solar in South Africa has a generation cost of $0.075 per kilowatt hour, and Gielen added that IRENA expects northern, eastern, and southern Africa to derive power from wind and hydro as well.

320 users have voted.

"What Has Happened to Our Party?"

John Kasich is not happy about some of the things his fellow Republicans have been saying.

331 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 10/24/15

Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.

Elections for state legislature rarely make the national news, but they are the fundamental building blocks of American politics. Since they run the redistricting process for the US House of Representatives and for themselves, they are where the greatest level of electoral entrenchment is possible.

And in the wake of the 2014 midterms, Republicans have overwhelming dominance of America's state legislatures.

277 users have voted.

Deadly Selfies?

A story has been making the rounds lately about selfie sticks being more deadly than sharks.

390 users have voted.

Weekend Reads 10/17/15

This study is forcing economists to rethink high-deductible health insurance

In one sense, then, the high-deductible plan did accomplish a key goal: lower health spending. But when the researchers looked at why spending dropped, they found it had nothing to do with smarter shopping. The average price of a doctor visit wasn't dropping.

375 users have voted.

Keep Your Eye on the Man, not the Dog

Neil DeGrasse Tyson explains the difference between climate and weather.

392 users have voted.

The Creation of the World

A retelling of a Cherokee myth

When the world began there was only water and sky. The animals all lived in Galun'lati in the sky, and after a while it began to get crowded.

525 users have voted.


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