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Grooming Your Wife?

I'd really like to believe this is a satire website, but its entirely humorless tone suggests it's not. It appears to be actually advocating something that it claims are "biblical gender roles".

In a recent post, the site author responds to a young husband named Robert who sent an email because he is having trouble disciplining his wife.

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The Forgotten Climate Change Pioneer

All this time I've been wrong about climate change. In my article Are We Entering a New Mini Ice Age? I implied that global warming is simply the greenhouse effect at work in our atmosphere, and stated, "John Tyndall first proved the existence of the greenhouse effect more than 150 years ago". But that's not exactly true.

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Why Can't We Just Be Nice?

A new code of conduct for an open-source software project has sparked controversy and led to the resignation of one programmer. Rafael Avila de Espindola has announced he will no longer contribute to the compiler infrastructure tool set known as the LLVM Project.

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Look at That Face

Donald Trump has never been a tactful person, but one quote from a recent Rolling Stone profile is outlandish even by Trump standards. Trump was watching the news during a meal with his staff, and saw a reporter ask a question of fellow Republican candidate Carly Fiorina. Trump, who had been offering snarky critiques of each candidate as they appeared on the screen, said:

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