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The Bible and the Big Bang

I've written a lot about science here, and a lot about theology, and occasionally about the intersection of the two. Astrophysicist Hugh Ross also writes about this intersection, but with a different take.

At his Reasons to Believe website, Ross makes the claim that the Bible teaches four core concepts of Big Bang cosmology:

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Person of the Year

Time Magazine has named Joe Biden and Kamala Harris jointly as their Person of the Year for 2020. In one sense, this is not a big surprise; it's the eighth straight time the winner of the U.S. Presidential election won the honor. The presidency is an influetial position, and the winner of the election can expect to be an influential person.

63 users have voted.

Life on Venus?

This discovery could change everything. At the very least, it could change what we know about how chemicals are synthesized under heat and pressure. Or it could be a sign of alien life.

Most of the headlines highlight the latter possibility.

66 users have voted.

Are COVID Deaths Over-Reported?

Are COVID deaths over-reported? Under-reported? A doctor digs into the available data for clues about what the official numbers can't tell us.

If you have ten minutes, this video is worth watching.

73 users have voted.

What's Up with Orion's Shoulder?

Betelgeuse, formerly one of the ten brightest stars in the night sky, is behaving strangely. It might be about to explode into a supernova, or it may be just gas.


149 users have voted.

Fact Checking for Weasels

It's rare to see such transparent dishonesty as in this piece from E. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. The Cornwall Alliance is, according to its website,

197 users have voted.

Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 4

After summarizing the six problems and (very briefly) mentioning the ways scientists have met these challenges, Faulkner concludes,

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Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 I looked at Danny Faulkner's counterintuitive complaint that scientists are untrustworthy due to their willingness to revise their theories when new evidence warrants it. As an example, Faulkner lists six problems for Big Bang cosmology, then asks why scientists don't simply abandon this model.

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Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 2

In Part 1 I looked at Danny Faulkner's counterintuitive complaint that scientists are untrustworthy due to their willingness to revise their theories when new evidence warrants it. Faulkner lists six problems for Big Bang cosmology, then asks why scientists continue revising rather than simply abandoning this model.

203 users have voted.

Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 1

Of all the creationist arguments against mainstream science, perhaps the most perplexing is the complaint that scientists are willing to modify their theories to account for new evidence. Danny Faulkner of Answers in Genesis, interviewed by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International, was blunt in describing his concerns with Big Bang cosmology.

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