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War on Christmas, 2017 Edition

If it’s December, it’s time for Fox News to reignite the flames of the alleged "war on Christmas". "I told you that we would be saying 'Merry Christmas' again," proclaimed President Trump in St. Louis this week.

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Self-Defense or Self-Denial? Part 3

In the previous two posts, we've looked at David French's argument for a God-given right to self-defense. Taking the same approach as 19th-century supporters of slavery, French gathered a set of proof texts that appeared to support his case.

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Self-Defense or Self-Denial? part 1

Journalist and blogger David French believes passionately that the constitutional "right to bear arms" is rooted in a more ancient God-given right. "It is quite clear," says French, "that God has not merely sanctioned the right of self defense but has explicitly approved even the use of deadly force to protect human life."

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Are American Christians Persecuted?

The roots of the modern Religious Right persecution complex run deep, right back to the beginning of Christianity. Jesus often warned his first followers that they would face hardship, and would even be persecuted by people who didn't understand their mission.

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