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Look Who Is Promoting Immigration

On the surface, this website is no different from a lot of other pro-immigration sites. It touts America as "a nation built by immigrants". It includes stories of "immigrants who are making America a more productive country." It offers a free download of a pamphlet titled America’s Advantage: A Handbook on Immigration and Economic Growth (PDF).

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Uncle Sam's Club

Chad Prather is a motivational speaker and a self-professed "armchair philosopher" who gained internet fame after his Unapologetically Southern YouTube video went viral. Since then, Prather has published a host of other videos, including this one where he weighs in on the immigration debate.

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The Biblical (?) Case for Saving DACA

The writers of the Salt Collective blog seem to be a nice bunch of people, a group of "diverse writers who are shaped by and grounded in the spirituality and ethics of the Beatitudes." But the recent post The Biblical Case for Saving DACA treads on dangerous ground.

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