Two Kinds of Marriage

Last Friday's Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the United States has produced a lot of outrage from religious conservatives claiming the court has overstepped its boundaries. The decision is a central assault upon marriage, says Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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The Climate Imp

Among the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson is a short story titled "The Bottle Imp," the tale of a cursed bottle that brings its owner short-term gain but carries a severe long-term danger.

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Weekend Reads 6/27/15

How people convince themselves that the Confederate flag represents freedom, not slavery

This “Confederately correct” orthodoxy that the South fought for independence, not slavery, rankled a few southern realists, including the editors of the Richmond-based Southern Punch in 1864:

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Weekend Reads 6/20/15

A prayer in a sanctuary

We will be told, in the aftermath of this act of terrorism, that it was the work of a lone individual — an aberration resulting from the aberrant behavior of a single disturbed man. But that claim is not credible. It requires us to ignore what we have seen and known for generations.

370 users have voted.

Is the Bible Inerrant?

According to some evangelical and fundamentalist Christians, the inerrancy of the Bible is an essential doctrine.

367 users have voted.

What's Five Minus Two, Sally?

Sam Brownback's education cuts have become fodder for Doonesbury. I can't tell you right now how proud I am to call Kansas home.

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Weekend Reads 6/6/15

NASA and Verizon plan to monitor US drone network from phone towers

That $500,000 project is now underway at Nasa’s Ames Research Center in the heart of Silicon Valley. Nasa is planning the first tests of an air traffic control system for drones there this summer, with Verizon scheduled to introduce a concept for using cell coverage for data, navigation, surveillance and tracking of drones by 2017.

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Understanding the Rise of the Nones

You've probably seen or heard about the Pew Research Center's recent survey revealing a sharp decline in Christian affiliation among Americans in recent years. Several observers have suggested this is a result of nominal Christians being more honest about their lack of commitment.

310 users have voted.


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