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The Biblical (?) Case for Saving DACA

The writers of the Salt Collective blog seem to be a nice bunch of people, a group of "diverse writers who are shaped by and grounded in the spirituality and ethics of the Beatitudes." But the recent post The Biblical Case for Saving DACA treads on dangerous ground.

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Reading the Bible the Logical Way ?

A guy who calls himself the Thinking Christian has a Facebook post in which he attempts to make the case that his way of reading the Bible is the logical way, and therefore the only way.

In every situation, there is only ONE truth. 2+2 always = 4; P always = P; a lie always = a lie; etc.

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The Slippery Slope of Bible Literalism

Gallup polling shows for the first time in 40 years of asking this question that the number of Americans who say the Bible is a book of stories recorded by humans has surpassed the number who believe it is the "word of God to be taken literally".

What the headline doesn't reveal is that a clear plurality still believe the Bible is inspired by God but is not all meant to be taken literally—as has been the case every time Gallup has polled this subject.

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It's Good to Be Left Behind

Fundamentalists say Jesus will come to take them away, to spare them from tribulation. The New Testament says something different.

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Global Warming or End Times?

Alan White of Answers in Genesis may hold that global warming is nothing to worry about, but not all creationists agree. Joel Stockstill, in an article at, says time is running out.

Is it global warming really or just the end times prophesied by Jesus?

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Don't Worry, the Climate and Everything is Under Control

The creationist organization Answers in Genesis, not content with denying the truth of evolution, is also taking on climate change. Dr. Alan White, introducing the topic in an editorial titled The Globe Is Warming, But It's Not Your Fault!, tries to give the appearance of balance.

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God of the Gaps

In the last post, we looked at old-earth creationist Fazale Rana's attempt to use the existence of language to discredit evolution. Analyzing a PLOS ONE paper by Noam Chomsky, Ian Tattersall, and others, Dr. Rana concluded:

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The House and the Home

Theology professor John Walton presents an analogy for the Bible's creation stories.

350 users have voted.

Does the Bible Support Slavery? Conclusion

In the last two posts, we've looked at how the two sides of the slavery argument appealed to the Bible for support during debates over the morality of slavery. (Part 1: pro-slavery | Part 2: anti-slavery)

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Does the Bible Support Slavery? Part 2

In my previous post I looked at the biblical proof texts used by slavery supporters in the 18th and 19th centuries. To be sure, proof texts are available for slavery opponents too.

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