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An Ounce of Prevention

Across the water from the prison island, next to yet another sewage plant and trash-deposit station in Hunts Point in the South Bronx, there's a multistory prison barge that has been used in recent years for children in detention. Several thousand juveniles thirteen years old or older have been held there at one point or other in a given year – about one hundred at a time – while they awaited transfer to more permanent facilities. It's a tremendous structure, with six floating floors of prison cells, one of them under water. From the sky, however, it looks decorative.

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It Doesn't Take Much

In 1974, a series of floods destroyed crops throughout Bangladesh, putting the nation in a state of famine. Muhammad Yunus, economics professor at Chittagong University in southeastern Bangladesh, was disturbed by the disconnect between economic theory and the reality he saw around him.

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Don't Feed the "Animals"

Oklahoma Republican Party chair Randy Brogdon has come under fire for a post he made last week to his organization's Facebook page.

Criticism of Brogdon was swift and strident.

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