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Winding Down

As long as I've been blogging—fifteen years, off and on—it's been mostly a personal exercise, an attempt to work out my thoughts on a number of subjects by writing them down. When I started my first blog in July of 2005 I had no trouble finding topics to write about, and was constrained only by the time available to write. As time went on, I began to realize I had said what I wanted to say about most of the things I wanted to talk about.

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Life has interrupted my blog. I've been too busy to post new content since mid-December, and things won't be changing any time soon. I'm officially putting this blog on hiatus for the time being. I'll still post weekend reads every Saturday, but I'm not planning to post any original content until early March. Check back at that time, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter for the lastest updates.

293 users have voted.

Two Years

Birthday Cake with 2

246 users have voted.

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