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Are "COVID Deaths" Actually Being Caused by Something Else?

I've seen a lot of buzz on social media about a new report from the CDC on the COVID-19 death rate. Specifically, the CDC report mentions that only 6% of COVID deaths had no other contributing factors. Does that mean 94% of what are being reported as COVID deaths are actually due to other causes? A medical doctor examines the report and explains what it is really saying.

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Are COVID Deaths Over-Reported?

Are COVID deaths over-reported? Under-reported? A doctor digs into the available data for clues about what the official numbers can't tell us.

If you have ten minutes, this video is worth watching.

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The Perils of Rushing to Judgment

On April 6, in an essay for the National Review, John Fund and Joel Hay asked the question, Has Sweden Found the Right Solution to the Coronavirus? and concluded it had. They praised Sweden's approach to the novel coronavirus, which included isolation for vulnerable populations but did not include a general lockdown. Fund and Hay boasted that Sweden, up to that point, had only seen 401 COVID-19 deaths.

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The Pandemic and the Economy

A couple weeks ago, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick suggested it would be better for older Americans to sacrifice their lives than to risk economic disruption.

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COVID-19's Exponential Growth

I'm a pessimist. I always have been, and I probably always will be. When I started saying in early March that the coronavirus would probably be one of the deadlier viruses in history, Facebook friends accused me of promoting hysteria, of rooting for the virus, of wanting to hurt the president. Just for the record, my warnings were motivated by none of those. I was motivated because I had done the math. But the concept of exponentiation is hard to get across in text. Sometimes it takes a picture to convey what words are unable to.

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Rand Paul Goes Viral

Sen. Rand Paul, Who Opposed Coronavirus Relief Bill, Tests Positive reads the headline at the Daily Beast. Paul, the only senator to vote against the $8.3 billion coronavirus research bill earlier this month, is the first senator to test positive for the virus.

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