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Life on Venus?

This discovery could change everything. At the very least, it could change what we know about how chemicals are synthesized under heat and pressure. Or it could be a sign of alien life.

Most of the headlines highlight the latter possibility.

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What's Up with Orion's Shoulder?

Betelgeuse, formerly one of the ten brightest stars in the night sky, is behaving strangely. It might be about to explode into a supernova, or it may be just gas.


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Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 4

After summarizing the six problems and (very briefly) mentioning the ways scientists have met these challenges, Faulkner concludes,

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Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 I looked at Danny Faulkner's counterintuitive complaint that scientists are untrustworthy due to their willingness to revise their theories when new evidence warrants it. As an example, Faulkner lists six problems for Big Bang cosmology, then asks why scientists don't simply abandon this model.

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Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 2

In Part 1 I looked at Danny Faulkner's counterintuitive complaint that scientists are untrustworthy due to their willingness to revise their theories when new evidence warrants it. Faulkner lists six problems for Big Bang cosmology, then asks why scientists continue revising rather than simply abandoning this model.

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Changing the Model to Fit the Data, Part 1

Of all the creationist arguments against mainstream science, perhaps the most perplexing is the complaint that scientists are willing to modify their theories to account for new evidence. Danny Faulkner of Answers in Genesis, interviewed by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International, was blunt in describing his concerns with Big Bang cosmology.

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Mike Rowe's Denial of Science

During my hiatus, How the Universe Works host Mike Rowe got into a verbal spat with a fan over controversial remarks he made on his show.

The complainant, one Rebecca Bright, said in part

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Messaging Aliens

A number of scientists have expressed concern about an action taken recently by another group of scientists.

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The Light from Distant Stars, Part 2

In the previous post I looked at Jason Lisle's attempt to demonstrate how we could see old starlight in a young universe, appealing to arcane cosmological concepts such as gravitational time dilation and an anisotropic synchrony convention. How does Lisle tie this hypothesis to Genesis?

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The Light from Distant Stars, Part 1

One of the biggest problems for young-earth creationism (YEC) is the light from distant stars. Because light travels at a constant rate, if we can calculate the distance to another galaxy, we can determine how long its light has been traveling to reach us. The existence of galaxies whose light has traveled thirteen billion years would seem to be an insurmountable problem for YEC.

232 users have voted.


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